If you start to spend anytime at all in SL, you're going to want to experiment with your look: body shape, gender, species, and clothing choices. It's part of the fun of having an avatar, plus it gets you into the spirit of adventure that is inherent in SL. And that's something that anyone who wants to extend a brand to SL must do. SL is about play. Embrace it.
Tip 1 .. the importance of underwear.
In SL, if you go to the trouble to buy a skin (see my previous post on this), you will have an anatomically correct avatar. And politeness would dictate that you start wearing underwear.
Sometimes, as a new avatar, you might be in a social situation where you want to change clothes. And if you take those ratty jeans off to put on your new tux, well, there will be a period of time (could be a nano second, could be minutes - depending on lag) where your privates will be available for viewing.
Not a good way to start off a marketing meeting. So wear something on your underwear layer to prevent a socially awkward moment. The same clearly goes for the ladies.
Tip 2 ... plan your "stand-by" look.
Another tip along these lines .. plan a stand-by outfit and keep a copy in an easy-to-wear folder. Again, hopefully, you'll be experimenting with different looks in SL. But there are times when you'll be attending a meeting with colleagues or clients or perhaps even the opera and don't want to be wearing that goth cheerleader outfit you picked up.
You need a quick change solution.

1. At the top-level of your inventory, create a folder for your stand-by outfit. In the above pic, I've created a "Katicus - Usual" folder.
2. Dress your avatar. In something that you wouldn't be embarrassed to be at a client meeting in :-)
3. In your Inventory search bar, search for "WORN" items. This will filter all items out except for the ones you are wearing. This includes body shape, skin, hair, etc. If you can make copies of these, I would do so .. it's good to have a backup.
4. Select all items and right click "Copy".
5. Paste these items into your Standby folder.
Note: most (not all, but most) clothing, skin and hair that you receive or purchase in SL will allow you to copy it. If you can't make a copy, you will be asked if you want to "move" it to that folder. You can either say "Yes" or choose a different article of clothing/body part that allows you to copy it.
Now you're set. So, if you find yourself bumming around in a cow-shaped avatar and want something a little more presentable for that training session, you can now just drag your Standby folder onto your avatar and you'll be instantly transformed.
Side note .. I know that some people are OK with going to meetings in a goth cheerleader outfit or shaped as a cow. I'm not quite ready for that. And I don't think my clients are either. However, I do believe it is good to push those boundaries and remind ourselves that the rules are changing. But just in case you run into someone who needs to be eased into the environment, its nice to have the quick change option.