Yesterday was a banner day! The DVDs and CDs from TED2006 arrived. Finally, I can listen to Stew's "Black Men Ski" (Stew .. you have to release that one, and soon!) and maybe (*maybe*) get that crazy, haunting, insidious melody and lyric out of my head. OR get it into everyone elses.
On the commute home last night I popped that disk into the CD player. (TED folks - I love the audio disks, thank you!). Well, the lyric & melody are still in my head, though I did find the drive last night oddly relaxing. There might be something there.
I also had time to listen to both Tony Robbins' and Rick Warren's talks - and their common themes of serving and of finding passion. It was a neat juxtaposition, really. More interesting than the Dennett/Warren juxtaposition. Really, this is something truly amazing that TED gives us, a way to relive the power and the passion of those 4 days. As well as the ability to "roll your own" lineup. If only Julia Sweeney had had more time on stage (Julia, when *when* will the CD be out?? Los Angeles is too far for me to come to a show. Hey, come to Toronto! You would be a total hit here!)
Tags: TED2006
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